Amanda, Samantha, Gabrielle and Jessica Lukoff

Amanda, Samantha, Gabrielle and Jessica Lukoff

Growing up with a sibling who has an intellectual disability has been the single greatest learning experience of my life – it has made me a more open-minded, understanding, accepting and compassionate human being. It is through this ‘sibling’ lens that the film's narrative will be told. Growing up I knew one day I would combine my passion for filmmaking with the love and pride I have for my sister, and for individuals like her, and feel I am the right person to tell this story because I have first-hand experience of the power and impact of the r-word. This issue is becoming more and more relevant in popular culture and public discourse, but this is not just a disabilities-rights issue – this is a human-rights issue – every human being has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. I am confident this film will be a step in that direction.

Filming in Kenya

Amanda Lukoff and Daniel Egan founded Thorough Productions in 2010 and base operations out of the Washington DC metro area. We produce, direct, edit, and shoot original and freelance projects for film, television and the web, as well as provide on-camera and voice-over talent. We started our production company out of a shared passion for film, music and media that dates back to when we met as teenagers at a summer filmmaking workshop. We have the ability and energy it takes to produce compelling and entertaining work and the creative, visual and technical experience to back it up. 

We have worked on projects for: National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel, TLC, Investigation Discovery, Velocity, History Channel, Smithsonian Network, PBS, ABC, TV One, BET, Sirius/XM, ESPN, Verizon, Military Channel, RL TV, GMMB, U.S. Department of Education, Custom Safaris, and the Delaware Coalition for Health & Justice.


Special Olympics Delaware 2013 Project Unify Conference
Keynote speech